@@ -55,3 +55,15 @@ SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL AFTER `MinSalary`;
--2024-5-20 字典数据名称修改
UPDATE `sys_dictionary_item` SET `Name` = '其他失业人员' WHERE DictionaryItemID = '6f90f708-0201-11ef-902c-7085c2a9999e';
+-- 企业岗位对应工作年限
+update sys_dictionary_item set `Code` = '0' where DictionaryCode='WorkYearType' and `Name`='无工作经验';
+update sys_dictionary_item set `Code` = '0' where DictionaryCode='WorkYearType' and `Name`='在读生/应届毕业生';
+update sys_dictionary_item set `Code` = '1' where DictionaryCode='WorkYearType' and `Name`='1年以上';
+update sys_dictionary_item set `Code` = '2' where DictionaryCode='WorkYearType' and `Name`='2年以上';
+update sys_dictionary_item set `Code` = '3' where DictionaryCode='WorkYearType' and `Name`='3年以上';
+update sys_dictionary_item set `Code` = '5' where DictionaryCode='WorkYearType' and `Name`='5年以上';
+update sys_dictionary_item set `Code` = '8' where DictionaryCode='WorkYearType' and `Name`='8年以上';
+update sys_dictionary_item set `Code` = '10' where DictionaryCode='WorkYearType' and `Name`='10年以上';
+update sys_dictionary_item set `Code` = '20' where DictionaryCode='WorkYearType' and `Name`='20年以上';