123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163 |
- (function ($) {
- //Change <span> validation message display to top right corner style prompt
- $.fn.makeValidationInline = function (options) {
- var settings = {
- showTriangle: true,
- promptPosition: "topRight"
- };
- $.extend(settings, options);
- return this.each(function () {
- var $form = $(this);
- //#region message prompt functions
- /*
- * Inline Form Validation Engine, jQuery plugin
- *
- * Copyright(c) 2009, Cedric Dugas
- * http://www.position-relative.net
- *
- * Form validation engine which allow custom regex rules to be added.
- * Licenced under the MIT Licence
- * Modified by Jeffrey Lee, http://blog.darkthread.net, to support ASP.NET MVC 3
- */
- function buildPrompt(caller, promptText, type, ajaxed) { // ERROR PROMPT CREATION AND DISPLAY WHEN AN ERROR OCCUR
- var $divFormError = $("<div />");
- var $formErrorContent = $("<div class='formErrorContent' />");
- $formErrorContent.html(promptText);
- var $caller = $(caller);
- if ($caller.is(".combo-value")) {
- $caller = $caller.parent().find(".combo-text");
- }
- $divFormError.addClass("formError");
- if (type == "pass") { $divFormError.addClass("greenPopup") }
- if (type == "load") { $divFormError.addClass("blackPopup") }
- if (ajaxed) { $divFormError.addClass("ajaxed") }
- $divFormError.addClass(caller.name)
- .append($formErrorContent).appendTo("body");
- if (settings.showTriangle != false) { // NO TRIANGLE ON MAX CHECKBOX AND RADIO
- var $arrow = $("<div class='formErrorArrow' />");
- $divFormError.append($arrow)
- if (settings.promptPosition == "bottomLeft" || settings.promptPosition == "bottomRight") {
- $arrow.addClass("formErrorArrowBottom")
- $arrow.html('<div class="line1"><!-- --></div><div class="line2"><!-- --></div><div class="line3"><!-- --></div><div class="line4"><!-- --></div><div class="line5"><!-- --></div><div class="line6"><!-- --></div><div class="line7"><!-- --></div><div class="line8"><!-- --></div><div class="line9"><!-- --></div><div class="line10"><!-- --></div>');
- }
- if (settings.promptPosition == "topLeft" || settings.promptPosition == "topRight") {
- $divFormError.append($arrow)
- $arrow.html('<div class="line10"><!-- --></div><div class="line9"><!-- --></div><div class="line8"><!-- --></div><div class="line7"><!-- --></div><div class="line6"><!-- --></div><div class="line5"><!-- --></div><div class="line4"><!-- --></div><div class="line3"><!-- --></div><div class="line2"><!-- --></div><div class="line1"><!-- --></div>');
- }
- }
- callerTopPosition = $caller.offset().top;
- callerleftPosition = $caller.offset().left;
- callerWidth = $caller.width()
- inputHeight = $divFormError.height()
- if (settings.promptPosition == "topRight") { callerleftPosition += callerWidth - 30; callerTopPosition += -inputHeight - 10; }
- if (settings.promptPosition == "topLeft") { callerTopPosition += -inputHeight - 10; }
- if (settings.promptPosition == "centerRight") { callerleftPosition += callerWidth + 13; }
- if (settings.promptPosition == "bottomLeft") {
- callerHeight = $caller.height();
- callerleftPosition = callerleftPosition;
- callerTopPosition = callerTopPosition + callerHeight + 15;
- }
- if (settings.promptPosition == "bottomRight") {
- callerHeight = $caller.height();
- callerleftPosition += callerWidth - 30;
- callerTopPosition += callerHeight + 15;
- }
- $divFormError.css({
- top: callerTopPosition,
- left: callerleftPosition,
- opacity: 0
- })
- return $divFormError.animate({ "opacity": 0.8 }, function () { return true; });
- }
- function updatePromptText(caller, promptText, type, ajaxed) { // UPDATE TEXT ERROR IF AN ERROR IS ALREADY DISPLAYED
- var $caller = $(caller);
- //支持easyUI下拉单,时间控件
- if ($caller.is(".combo-value")) {
- $caller = $caller.parent().find(".combo-text");
- }
- var $updateThisPrompt = $("div." + caller.name);
- if ($updateThisPrompt.length == 0)
- return buildPrompt(caller, promptText, type, ajaxed);
- (type == "pass") ? $updateThisPrompt.addClass("greenPopup") : $updateThisPrompt.removeClass("greenPopup");
- (type == "load") ? $updateThisPrompt.addClass("blackPopup") : $updateThisPrompt.removeClass("blackPopup");
- (ajaxed) ? $updateThisPrompt.addClass("ajaxed") : $updateThisPrompt.removeClass("ajaxed");
- $updateThisPrompt.find(".formErrorContent").html(promptText);
- callerTopPosition = $caller.offset().top;
- inputHeight = $updateThisPrompt.height()
- if (settings.promptPosition == "bottomLeft" || settings.promptPosition == "bottomRight") {
- callerHeight = $caller.height()
- callerTopPosition = callerTopPosition + callerHeight + 15
- }
- if (settings.promptPosition == "centerRight") { callerleftPosition += callerWidth + 13; }
- if (settings.promptPosition == "topLeft" || settings.promptPosition == "topRight") {
- callerTopPosition = callerTopPosition - inputHeight - 10
- }
- $updateThisPrompt.animate({
- top: callerTopPosition
- });
- return $updateThisPrompt;
- }
- function showInvalidPrompt(caller, message) {
- updatePromptText(caller, message, "error", false);
- }
- function hideInvalidPrompt(caller) {
- $("div." + caller.name).remove();
- }
- //#endregion
- function custErrorPlacement(error, inputElement) { // 'this' is the form element
- var container = $(this).find("[data-valmsg-for='" + inputElement[0].name + "']");
- if (container.length == 0) {
- container = $("<span data-valmsg-for='" + inputElement[0].name + "' />");
- $(inputElement).after(container);
- }
- var msg = error.text();
- if (msg.length > 1)
- error.data("inv_msg_prompt", showInvalidPrompt(inputElement[0], msg));
- else
- hideInvalidPrompt(inputElement[0]);
- }
- function custSuccess(error) { // 'this' is the form element
- var p = error.data("inv_msg_prompt");
- if (p) p.remove();
- }
- //#region change errorPlacement
- var valdSettings = $form.data("validator").settings;
- valdSettings.errorElement = "li";
- valdSettings.errorPlacement = $.proxy(custErrorPlacement, this);
- valdSettings.success = $.proxy(custSuccess, this);
- $form.validate(valdSettings);
- //#endregion
- });
- }
- })(jQuery);