#region Apache License Version 2.0
Copyright 2019 Jeffrey Su & Suzhou Senparc Network Technology Co.,Ltd.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions
and limitations under the License.
Detail: https://github.com/JeffreySu/WeiXinMPSDK/blob/master/license.md
#endregion Apache License Version 2.0
Copyright (C) 2019 Senparc
创建标识:Senparc - 20150827
修改标识:Senparc - 20160719
修改标识:Senparc - 20170522
修改描述:v16.6.2 修改 DateTime 为 DateTimeOffset
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Senparc.CO2NET.Helpers;
using Senparc.CO2NET.Helpers.Serializers;
using Senparc.NeuChar;
using Senparc.Weixin.CommonAPIs;
using Senparc.Weixin.Entities;
using Senparc.Weixin.Helpers;
using Senparc.Weixin.MP.CommonAPIs;
namespace Senparc.Weixin.MP.AdvancedAPIs.MerChant
/// 微小店订单接口
public static class OrderApi
#region 同步方法
/// 根据订单ID获取订单详情
/// 订单Id
[ApiBind(NeuChar.PlatformType.WeChat_OfficialAccount, "OrderApi.GetByIdOrder", true)]
public static GetByIdOrderResult GetByIdOrder(string accessToken, string orderId)
var urlFormat = Config.ApiMpHost + "/merchant/order/getbyid?access_token={0}";
var data = new
order_id = orderId
return CommonJsonSend.Send(accessToken, urlFormat, data);
/// 根据订单状态/创建时间获取订单详情
/// 订单状态(不带该字段-全部状态, 2-待发货, 3-已发货, 5-已完成, 8-维权中, )
/// 订单创建时间起始时间(不带该字段则不按照时间做筛选)
/// 订单创建时间终止时间(不带该字段则不按照时间做筛选)
[ApiBind(NeuChar.PlatformType.WeChat_OfficialAccount, "OrderApi.GetByFilterOrder", true)]
public static GetByFilterResult GetByFilterOrder(string accessToken, int? status, DateTime? beginTime, DateTime? endTime)
var urlFormat = Config.ApiMpHost + "/merchant/order/getbyfilter?access_token={0}";
var data = new
status = status,
begintime = beginTime.HasValue ? DateTimeHelper.GetUnixDateTime(beginTime.Value) : (long?)null,
endtime = endTime.HasValue ? DateTimeHelper.GetUnixDateTime(endTime.Value) : (long?)null
return CommonJsonSend.Send(accessToken, urlFormat, data,jsonSetting:new JsonSetting(true));
/// 设置订单发货信息
/// 订单ID
/// 物流公司ID(参考《物流公司ID》;当need_delivery为0时,可不填本字段;当need_delivery为1时,该字段不能为空;当need_delivery为1且is_others为1时,本字段填写其它物流公司名称)
/// 运单ID(当need_delivery为0时,可不填本字段;当need_delivery为1时,该字段不能为空;)
/// 商品是否需要物流(0-不需要,1-需要,无该字段默认为需要物流)
/// 是否为其它物流公司(0-否,1-是,无该字段默认为不是其它物流公司)
/// 物流公司 Id
/// 邮政EMS Fsearch_code
/// 申通快递 002shentong
/// 中通速递 066zhongtong
/// 圆通速递 056yuantong
/// 天天快递 042tiantian
/// 顺丰速运 003shunfeng
/// 韵达快运 059Yunda
/// 宅急送 064zhaijisong
/// 汇通快运 020huitong
/// 易迅快递 zj001yixun
[ApiBind(NeuChar.PlatformType.WeChat_OfficialAccount, "OrderApi.SetdeliveryOrder", true)]
public static WxJsonResult SetdeliveryOrder(string accessToken, string orderId, string deliveryCompany, string deliveryTrackNo, int needDelivery = 1, int isOthers = 0)
var urlFormat = Config.ApiMpHost + "/merchant/order/setdelivery?access_token={0}";
var data = new
order_id = orderId,
delivery_company = deliveryCompany,
delivery_track_no = deliveryTrackNo,
need_delivery = needDelivery,
is_others = isOthers
return CommonJsonSend.Send(accessToken, urlFormat, data);
/// 关闭订单
/// 订单ID
[ApiBind(NeuChar.PlatformType.WeChat_OfficialAccount, "OrderApi.CloseOrder", true)]
public static WxJsonResult CloseOrder(string accessToken, string orderId)
var urlFormat = Config.ApiMpHost + "/merchant/order/close?access_token={0}";
var data = new
order_id = orderId
return CommonJsonSend.Send(accessToken, urlFormat, data);
#if !NET35 && !NET40
#region 异步方法
/// 【异步方法】根据订单ID获取订单详情
/// 订单Id
[ApiBind(NeuChar.PlatformType.WeChat_OfficialAccount, "OrderApi.GetByIdOrderAsync", true)]
public static async Task GetByIdOrderAsync(string accessToken, string orderId)
var urlFormat = Config.ApiMpHost + "/merchant/order/getbyid?access_token={0}";
var data = new
order_id = orderId
return await Senparc.Weixin.CommonAPIs.CommonJsonSend.SendAsync(accessToken, urlFormat, data);
/// 【异步方法】根据订单状态/创建时间获取订单详情
/// 订单状态(不带该字段-全部状态, 2-待发货, 3-已发货, 5-已完成, 8-维权中, )
/// 订单创建时间起始时间(不带该字段则不按照时间做筛选)
/// 订单创建时间终止时间(不带该字段则不按照时间做筛选)
[ApiBind(NeuChar.PlatformType.WeChat_OfficialAccount, "OrderApi.GetByFilterOrderAsync", true)]
public static async Task GetByFilterOrderAsync(string accessToken, int? status, DateTime? beginTime, DateTime? endTime)
var urlFormat = Config.ApiMpHost + "/merchant/order/getbyfilter?access_token={0}";
var data = new
status = status,
begintime = beginTime.HasValue ? DateTimeHelper.GetUnixDateTime(beginTime.Value) : (long?)null,
endtime = endTime.HasValue ? DateTimeHelper.GetUnixDateTime(endTime.Value) : (long?)null
return await Senparc.Weixin.CommonAPIs.CommonJsonSend.SendAsync(accessToken, urlFormat, data, jsonSetting: new JsonSetting(true));
/// 【异步方法】设置订单发货信息
/// 订单ID
/// 物流公司ID(参考《物流公司ID》;当need_delivery为0时,可不填本字段;当need_delivery为1时,该字段不能为空;当need_delivery为1且is_others为1时,本字段填写其它物流公司名称)
/// 运单ID(当need_delivery为0时,可不填本字段;当need_delivery为1时,该字段不能为空;)
/// 商品是否需要物流(0-不需要,1-需要,无该字段默认为需要物流)
/// 是否为其它物流公司(0-否,1-是,无该字段默认为不是其它物流公司)
/// 物流公司 Id
/// 邮政EMS Fsearch_code
/// 申通快递 002shentong
/// 中通速递 066zhongtong
/// 圆通速递 056yuantong
/// 天天快递 042tiantian
/// 顺丰速运 003shunfeng
/// 韵达快运 059Yunda
/// 宅急送 064zhaijisong
/// 汇通快运 020huitong
/// 易迅快递 zj001yixun
[ApiBind(NeuChar.PlatformType.WeChat_OfficialAccount, "OrderApi.SetdeliveryOrderAsync", true)]
public static async Task SetdeliveryOrderAsync(string accessToken, string orderId, string deliveryCompany, string deliveryTrackNo, int needDelivery = 1, int isOthers = 0)
var urlFormat = Config.ApiMpHost + "/merchant/order/setdelivery?access_token={0}";
var data = new
order_id = orderId,
delivery_company = deliveryCompany,
delivery_track_no = deliveryTrackNo,
need_delivery = needDelivery,
is_others = isOthers
return await Senparc.Weixin.CommonAPIs.CommonJsonSend.SendAsync(accessToken, urlFormat, data);
/// 【异步方法】关闭订单
/// 订单ID
[ApiBind(NeuChar.PlatformType.WeChat_OfficialAccount, "OrderApi.CloseOrderAsync", true)]
public static async Task CloseOrderAsync(string accessToken, string orderId)
var urlFormat = Config.ApiMpHost + "/merchant/order/close?access_token={0}";
var data = new
order_id = orderId
return await Senparc.Weixin.CommonAPIs.CommonJsonSend.SendAsync(accessToken, urlFormat, data);