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- --Do not remove this if you are using--
- Original Author: Remiz Rahnas
- Original Author URL: http:
- Published date: 2008/09/24
- Changes by Nick Fetchak:
- - IE8 standards mode compatibility
- - VML elements now positioned behind original box rather than inside of it - should be less prone to breakage
- - Added partial support for 'box-shadow' style
- - Checks for VML support before doing anything
- - Updates VML element size and position via timer and also via window resize event
- - lots of other small things
- Published date : 2010/03/14
- http:
- Thanks to TheBrightLines.com (http:
- <public:attach event="ondocumentready" onevent="ondocumentready('v08vnSVo78t4JfjH')" />
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- timer_length = 200;
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- return supportsVml.supported
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- function findPos(obj) {
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- return(true);
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- if (!element.textShadow) { return(false); }
- var match = element.textShadow.match(/^(\d+)px (\d+)px (\d+)px (#?\w+)/);
- if (!match) { return(false); }
- var shadow = element.cloneNode(true);
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- shadow.innerHTML = element.innerHTML;
- shadow.style.filter = '\
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- element.parentNode.appendChild(shadow);
- element.parentNode.appendChild(clone);
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- element.vml.push(shadow);
- return(true);
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- this.pos_ieCSS3 = findPos(this);
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- var rv2 = createBorderRect(this, vml_parent);
- var rv3 = createTextShadow(this, vml_parent);
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